acrylic primer 1350

adhesion primer for acrylic renders


Ready-to-use primer, based on acrylic resins, containing quartz aggregates, that promotes adhesion of the decorative renders (cement, acrylic or waterglass based) on the substrate.
It exhibits excellent adhesion on the substrate.
It is produced white but can be easily coloured.


It is used to enhance adhesion of the decorative renders FC 1300•ACRYL and FC 1300•SILOXANE of the FINOCLIMA® certified ETIC systems (ETA 15/0720, ETA 20/0174, ETA 20/0175) on smooth and absorbent substrates, e.g. cement/gypsum boards, render/plaster, fair-faced concrete.
Suitable for indoors and outdoors.


Approximately 0.25-0.30 kg/m2 depending on the surface’s absorbency and roughness.


Available in:

  • 5kg and 20kg plastic containers

Storage: 12 months from production date, if stored in original, sealed container, protected from direct sunlight and frost.